Welcome to Reception

Our Teachers

We have two classes in Reception - Lilac Class and Yellow Class.

Mrs Mwangi (Assistant Headteacher) is our EYFS Leader.

Lilac Class: Miss Dias and Mrs Clark

Yellow Class: Mrs Mwangi and Mrs Ciccarelli


Reception Welcome Information

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Our curriculum

Find out more about what our Early Years curriculum and what we are learning by going to our EYFS curriculum page here.

A few reminders

Reception have PE on Wednesdays and Thursday.  All children should come in dressed in their PE kits on both days.

Please provide your child with a coat if the weather requires it. As it gets warmer please put sun cream on and bring a sun hat. Your child must have a change of clothes in school. PLEASE ENSURE EVERYTHING IS LABELLED WITH YOUR CHILD'S NAME

Please remember a named drink bottle every day.  We encourage all children to bring a water bottle to class, which they can refill at regular intervals during the day in order to keep themselves well hydrated and to keep their brains working to the best of their ability.

If you have any questions or concerns that you would like to discuss with us then please do drop into the office to make an appointment to see us, we are more than happy to meet with you to discuss any issues. 

Home learning

Homework helps to reinforce the learning that has gone on in school during the week.  Immersing your child in reading is the most important thing.  Children should read at home with an adult at least 5 times a week and this should be recorded in your child's home learning journal. Children are expected to bring their home learning journal and school reading books to school every day.

Reception and Nursery Recommended Reads

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Online learning resources

We subscribe to various websites which you can use at home to support your child's learning.  Your child's teacher will be able to provide you with the necessary log in details, and these should be stuck in your child's home learning journal.  Click on the links below to access the resources.


Little Wandle Phonics

Collins Big Cat reading books

Admissions to Reception and Nursery

Find out more about getting a place for your child in our Nursery or Reception classes by going to our Admissions page.