Welcome to Fairholme Primary School
Fairholme Primary School is a good school. Our school motto is “We believe we can achieve” - we believe that every child has the ability to achieve and the right to a broad and balanced curriculum. We promote all aspects of the curriculum, foster in children a love of reading and writing from an early age, and encourage everyone to become involved in the arts, whether that is through drama, singing, dancing, music making or practical art, as well as promoting exercise, health and team work through our sporting activities.
We work hard to nurture and develop our children as rounded individuals. We teach them about right and wrong, and how to care for each other and be kind. Everything we do is underpinned by a clear set of values which the children, staff and parents have worked together to agree. We have six key values: respect, honesty, responsibility, kindness, self-belief and aspiration.
We have an agreed Code of Conduct based on these values. We want our children to become good citizens in the future and the life skills developed through the work around these values and our Code of Conduct is crucial in achieving that goal.
Over recent years we have become a much more multi-cultural school and we value this positive change. We aim to ensure that children from every culture feel that their values, beliefs and languages are respected and valued within our community. We recognise the important role parents and carers play in the education of their children at Fairholme School and work hard to develop positive relationships. The support of parents and carers is crucial in ensuring that all children are able to achieve their full potential. To see our full Vision and Aims statement please click here.
Fairholme School welcomes visitors and we would be happy to show you around.
Mrs Gemma Harris